08 July 2020



Harold and Marion Weinger will celebrate 66 years together

Harold and Marion Weinger will celebrate 66 years together

LW ANNIVERSARY Harold and Marion Weinger of Mutual 14, will celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary on July 14. Harold and Marion are from Detroit, Michigan, and moved to Seal Beach Leisure World in 2000 to enjoy the warmer weather and their west coast family. Harold married Marion in 1954, and they have two children, five grandchildren, and three great grandchildren with a fourth great


Brandy is July’s pet of the month

Brandy is July’s pet of the month

PAWS, CLAWS AND BEAKS Brandy is a cocker spaniel who belongs to shareholder Marilyn Jonas. Marilyn traveled from Arlington, Texas, where Brandy was born, to bring her back to California. Brandy is 12 years old and loves people and other dogs. She is sweet and loving as she interacts with other dogs on her walks, with lots of kisses. Her favorite things to do are eating and sleeping, while



01 July 2020


Golf Course, Vets Plaza are closed

Golf Course, Vets Plaza are closed

SAFETY FIRST Message to the Community: Amenities shut down after news of a COVID-19 death in Leisure World by Linda Stone GRF President Residents often tell me how much they value the peace of Leisure World. The lawns and landscaping, and the protection and affection of neighbors, often make us forget we live in one of the nation’s busiest, most densely populated spots. We’ve now



