09 June 2021


It’s time for duplicate bridge

It’s time for duplicate bridge

by Gene Yaffee LW contributor After a 15-month hiatus, duplicate bridge will resume inperson play beginning on June 18 at noon in Clubhouse 1. GRF has required that Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club and Burning Tree Duplicate Bridge Club merge into one; it has allowed the combined club to play two games a week, on Monday and Friday afternoons. Players must make reservations and are urged




Chess Club

Chess Club

This week’s puzzle is checkmate in three moves. White moves first. Any answer by Black, and White’s third move is checkmate. The solution to this week’s puzzle’s first move is: Ne6. The White knight moves from d6 to e6. Then Black pawn to e6, White rook to d8, and Black to Kf7. The next move by White is checkmate.





Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke

LW’s karaoke club is preparing for its own “Karaoke D-Day” on Wednesday, June 16, when the group will resume its weekly indoor parties in Clubhouse 1 at 5:30 p.m. At the June 3 gathering in Veterans Plaza, a crowd enjoyed the setting sun, as well as the country and soft rock tunes performed by newcomer Vinnie Correnti. Martin Rosendaal had the crowd rockin’ with “In the Midnight Hour.”



Teaching manners with rhymes

Teaching manners with rhymes

by Patty Marsters pattym@lwsb.com LW Theater Club president Taylor White took her creative skills to a new level, publishing “Grandma’s Guide to Good Manners” in April. With a catchy rhyme scheme that’s perfect for early readers, White teaches young children the importance of manners and kindness, as well as hygiene. Everyday concepts such as waiting your turn, sharing and being