09 June 2021



Base will resume its popular tours on June 17

Base will resume its popular tours on June 17

The Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) is pleased to announce the return of its popular public base tour program following a 16-month suspension due to the pandemic. This year’s tour dates include June 17, Aug. 19 and Nov. 18. Tours are scheduled on Thursday afternoons and participants should plan for approximately three hours. The fully guided bus tour includes an introduction



Assembly of God

Assembly of God

While on a road trip traveling through Texas in a motorhome, the clouds became ominous and dark. A tornado warning came over the radio, and Assembly of God co-pastors Sheryl and Chuck Franco were advised to shelter under an overpass. That day, they learned that a bridge can offer shelter in the middle of a storm. Pastor Chuck’s message this week is “Rest Under the Bridge,” from Hebrews 3:16 4:16.




Community Church

Community Church

Community Church is open for live worship in its sanctuary for those who are vaccinated. Those who cannot join physically or are not yet vaccinated can still view the service virtually. As a reminder, full vaccination is receiving two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer, or one shot of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and waiting for two weeks after the last shot. This week, Community Church will


Faith Christian Assembly

Faith Christian Assembly

Faith Christian Assembly believes it is important for men and women to have a ministry specifically devoted to them. Both the men’s and women’s ministry groups will meet this week. The women’s ministry, known as “Touch of Love,” under the direction of Linda Hernandez, will meet Thursday, June 17, at 1 p.m. in the Garden Room. The men’s ministry, under the direction of Gary Leming, will

