02 June 2021





Chess Club

Chess Club

The Chess Club publishes weekly puzzles to keep the love of the game alive until its members meet to play in person again. This week’s puzzle is checkmate in three moves. White moves first. Any answer by Black, and White’s third move is checkmate. The solution to this week’s puzzle’s first move is: Qg8. The White Queen moves from f7 to g8. Then Black to Kg8, White Pd8 becomes a Q,



Community Singers

Community Singers

The sun was still shining brightly when 38 folks gathered for karaoke in Veterans Plaza on May 27. There were selections from country and western, gospel, pop, and show tunes. Bob Barnum wowed the crowd with “There’s Always Me.” Pat Kogak sang a peppy “Johnny Angel.” The group enjoyed Carmen Edwards’ version of “Just in Time,” Amy Walker singing “Volare,” Ellen Brannigan’s



Hula club performs again for friends outside LW

Hula club performs again for friends outside LW

HUI O HULA Hui O Hula is happy to bring its aloha outside the gate as the pandemic is coming to an end. On May 20, the dancers and musicians enjoyed welcoming attendees to Long Beach Salvation Army’s “Spring Fling” drivethrough event. People cheered and honked as they cruised by. The hula club is looking forward to performing for residents and friends at Stanton’s Rowntree Gardens


26 May 2021


Our best shot for a return to normal life

Our best shot for a return to normal life

COVID-19 VACCINES Vaccination is one of the most important tools to end the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA). Orange County will equitably distribute a safe and effective vaccine to everyone ages 12 years and older who lives or works in Orange County as supply is available. The OCHCA is scheduling vaccines through the Othena.com platform (and apps).