19 May 2021




Chess Club

Chess Club

The Chess Club publishes weekly puzzles to keep the love of the game alive until its members meet to play in person again. This week’s puzzle is checkmate in three moves. White moves first. Any answer by Black, and White’s third move is checkmate. The solution to this week’s puzzle’s first move is: Bf8. The White Bishop moves from h6 to f8. Black Bishop moves from g4 to h5, White Queen



Pick up pupusas and lemonade at the Farmers Market

Pick up pupusas and lemonade at the Farmers Market

by Ellen Brannigan LW contributor Karen and Juan Omana-Martinez are the owners of Karen’s Salvadorian Pupusas, one of the vendors located at the Seal Beach Farmers Market. Pupusas are a form of rolled and pounded dough that’s filled with meat, then fried. The pupusas are filled with beef, pork, beans, cheese, chicken or any combination of the above. People can add salsa, cabbage, jalapeños,


GAF donates $10,000 to Meals on Wheels Long Beach

GAF donates $10,000 to Meals on Wheels Long Beach

Meals on Wheels of Long Beach (MOWLB) is thankful for the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) and its continuous support. The GAF’s generous donation of $10,000 supports the nutritional and emotional needs of the most vulnerable residents in Leisure World. Since March 2020 and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, MOWLB has delivered over 70,000 meals to LW residents. MOWLBwasfoundedin1971 and began serving


Learn about chiropractic services and genetic therapy practices

Learn about chiropractic services and genetic therapy practices

SUNSHINE CLUB Dr. Mark De Dubovay will speak at the next Sunshine Club meeting on Friday, May 21, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. All shareholders can join the meeting by going to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8498 2089743?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJm WmlSNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742. Those who would like to get a Zoom link by email, should text their name, Mutual



Mini Farm

Mini Farm

Anna Derby from Mutual 5 enjoys working in the Mini Farm to forget about the anxiety and uncertainty in life. While gardening recently, she was reminded of a an article about how it is an example of what people in the field of psychology call a “flow-state” activity, one in which people lose track of time and become one with what they’re doing. Some people may know flow as being “in the zone.”
