26 August 2020


Serving up a slice of Leisure World life

Serving up a slice of Leisure World life

FROM THE MANAGING EDITOR by Ruth Osborn rutho_news@lwsb.com There are many faces familiar to me in Leisure World— friends and contributors, readers and writers— who have made working for the LW Weekly, formerly the LW News, a delight for more than 32 years. Leisure World is a special timein- a-bottle place where people can thrive in Act 3 of their lives. Just look around at your



New emergency procedures pave the way to reopen amenitites

New emergency procedures pave the way to reopen amenitites

by Kathy Thayer assistant recreation manager On Aug. 18, the newly formed COVID- 19 Ad Hoc Committee reviewed and approved Emergency Operational Procedures that will lead to opening some outdoor amenities while under the pandemic restrictions. The Golden Rain Foundation Board will hold a special meeting on Aug. 31 at 1 p.m. in Clubhouse 4 to consider how to safely reopen amenities in keeping


Take Your Best Shot for the 2021 LW Calendar

Take Your Best Shot for the 2021 LW Calendar

The LW Weekly will produce a 2021 wall calendar featuring the work of Leisure World photographers in time for the holidays. The deadline is Sept. 30. Potential contributors should submit large, high-resolution, 300 dpi images in landscape format of places and spaces in and around Leisure World and Seal Beach. Photos of people are not eligible. Cell phone photos should be emailed in the “actual


How to borrow mobility aids during the pandemic

How to borrow mobility aids during the pandemic

GOLDEN AGE FOUNDATION by John Hlavac Mobility Aids Program chair The Golden Age Foundation offers a mobility aids program to help residents in time of need. COVID-19 has changed the way the program operations but the free loan of walkers, wheelchairs and other transport aids is still available for LW residents. With clubhouses closed and social distancing in effect, the only way to secure





405 Freeway Update

405 Freeway Update

The Orange County Transportation Authority, in cooperation with Caltrans, is widening the San Diego Freeway (1-405) between SR-73 and 1-605.The project is improving 16 miles of 1-405 between the SR-73 freeway in Costa Mesa and 1-605 near the Los Angeles County line. Construction updates are as follows: Fairview Road Bridge Girder Placement Crews are scheduled to install precast concrete girders


Security Report

Security Report

Stopping Thefts Inside the Community by Victor Rocha Security Services director Overall, our community is fortunate to have a low volume of crime considering nearly 10,000 people live inside Leisure World Seal Beach. However, we have been experiencing some thefts in the community and by working together we can minimize this issue. Some of the thefts that have occurred have been “crimes