06 January 2021





Democratic Club

Democratic Club

By Mary Larson LW contributor Leisure World Democrats are reminded that the next club membership meeting, originally scheduled for Jan. 20, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 27, at noon via Zoom. The meeting will feature the importance of the upcoming special election for LW’s District 2 representative on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The position was vacated by Michelle Steel.



Gov. Newsom pledges faster vaccine rollout

Gov. Newsom pledges faster vaccine rollout

STATE OF CALIFORNIA About 612,000 more coronavirus vaccine doses are headed to California as state officials try to speed up the rollout. On Jan. 4, Gov. Gavin Newsom said the state’s inoculation program, which began Dec. 14, should be more efficient in coming weeks. As of Jan. 3, about 454,000 doses had been administered, about a third of the nearly 1.3 million Pfizer-BioNTech and



2021 SBPD Cares  Campaign

2021 SBPD Cares Campaign

For 2021, the Seal Beach Police Department wants to remind the community that it CARES. Seal Beach Police Chief Philip L. Gonshak said this year’s focus will be on the community, and how the SBPD will continue to “CARE” for the Seal Beach community: •C—Community Traffic Safety: SBPD will continue to focus on community traffic safety. By reorganizing the SBPD Traffic Bureau, it will

