07 April 2021


Don’t let your world go up in smoke

Don’t let your world go up in smoke

FIRE SAFETY by Eloy Gomez GRF safety and emergency coordinator Older Adults and Fires According to the U.S. Fire Administration, older adults (individuals 65 years and older) represent one of the highest fire risk populations in the United States. As people age, they undergo physical and cognitive changes that can impair their abilities to prevent or respond to fires and situations in which


Free Tax Help

Free Tax Help

The IRS has extended the income tax filing deadline to May 17. Free GAF tax preparation service has been expanded, and appointments are available. Tax volunteer Min Chen helps a LW client outside the Learning Center near Clubhouse 3.








Chess Club

Chess Club

The Chess Club publishes weekly puzzles to keep the love of the game alive until its members meet to play in person again. This week’s puzzle is checkmate in three moves. The solution to this week’s puzzle’s first move is White Qf7. White Queen moves from f6 to f7, and the black answer is Kh6 takes Knight. Two more moves with White is checkmate.
