30 September 2020


Oct. 30 Pop-Up Vote Center will offer voter registration

Oct. 30 Pop-Up Vote Center will offer voter registration

OC VOTE The Golden Rain Foundation, in conjunction with the Orange County Registrar of Voters, has arranged for a one-day onsite Pop-Up Vote Center on Friday, Oct. 30. The Vote Center, scheduled for voters who prefer to vote in person, will be located at the circle between clubhouses 3 and 4. The center will be open between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. This option offers the following services without




Ballot Drop Box Opens Oct. 5

Ballot Drop Box Opens Oct. 5

The Ballot Drop Box at the Amphitheater bus hub will be opened on Monday, Oct. 5. Ballots will be picked up every other day from Oct. 5-25 and then daily from Oct. 24-Nov. 3. The schedule may increase to daily pickups earlier depending on the volume of ballots deposited in the box. On Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 3, two county employees will be at the Ballot Drop Box in the late afternoon/early


Mask project distributes thousands to LW and beyond

Mask project distributes thousands to LW and beyond

GOLDEN AGE FOUNDATION The Golden Age Foundation will soon wrap up a project to provide masks to people who need them in every Mutual. Masks are an important weapon in the fight against COVID-19. On April 30, GAF Board held a virtual meeting to approve a project to produce face masks with the help of volunteers. The GAF organized a team of people willing to sew, cut fabric and distribute








PAVING PROJECT The 2020 Trust Street Paving project will run through October. Grind and overlay projects are ongoing around LW. The parking lot at clubhouses 3 and 4 will be slurry sealed, and the cracks filled Oct. 8-9; Northwood Road is scheduled for Oct. 2-8. Drivers should obey construction zone signs, speed limits and flagmen during construction. FITNESS CENTER The project is in the final