04 August 2021


Donate to the GAF at no additional cost at Ralphs and Amazon Smile

Donate to the GAF at no additional cost at Ralphs and Amazon Smile

GAF The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to making Leisure World a better place to live. The GAF must raise funds throughtout the year to continue providing services to the community. There are now two simple ways for LWers to donate to the GAF without any additional cost. Shareholders can donate to the GAF during their weekly grocery


Mobility Aid volunteers are ready to help LWers

Mobility Aid volunteers are ready to help LWers

The Golden Age Foundation’s (GAF) Mobility Aids program couldn’t function if it wasn’t for its dedicated volunteers. The phone line is open 24/7, but the messages are usually received Monday-Friday, between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Any calls after 4 p.m. or over the weekend will be answered the following day by a volunteer. Volunteers make sure to call every person who leaves a message to answer








• Start pool and spa ….

• Start pool and spa ….

• Start pool and spa plumbing . The pool has been closed since November 2019, when potentially catastropic defects were uncovered in the 1960s-era facility. The project that started as a simple remodel soon morphed into a full-blown reconstruction in the name of safety. The project coincided with the coronavirus epidemic, which has delayed construction, parts procurement and other facets


• Start pool and spa ….

• Start pool and spa ….

• Start pool and spa plumbing . The pool has been closed since November 2019, when potentially catastropic defects were uncovered in the 1960s-era facility. The project that started as a simple remodel soon morphed into a full-blown reconstruction in the name of safety. The project coincided with the coronavirus epidemic, which has delayed construction, parts procurement and other facets