05 May 2021



It’s a junkyard dog’s life

It’s a junkyard dog’s life

HUMOR I was out for a walk by the dawn’s early light, when I heard the anxious whimpering of a dog. I looked around and saw him seated on a neighbor’s porch rail. After a little ear scratching and a belly rub, he told me his story: “My mom was a Rambler. My dad was a Ranchero. They met one night when dad rear-ended her at a red light in Tijuana. They were both towed to a junkyard. The


Anna Derby, Mutual 5 My ….

Anna Derby, Mutual 5 My ….

Anna Derby, Mutual 5 My Mother: Wonderful and Resilient It has been already 16 years since my mother passed away in the summer of 2005 but sometimes I still imagine I would hear her voice if I called Korea. My mother was born and raised in small town southwest of Seoul. She was one of six girls, who was not given a higher eduction because, at the time, it wasn’t deemed necessary to find a



Chess Club

Chess Club

The Chess Club publishes weekly puzzles to keep the love of the game alive until its members meet to play in person again. This week’s puzzle is checkmate in three moves. White moves first. Any answer by Black, and White’s third move is checkmate. The solution to this week’s puzzle’s first move is: Rf5. The White Rook moves from c5 to f5. Black pawn takes R.



Community  Karaoke

Community Karaoke

It was a beautiful night for singing on April 29. It was warm and lovely, with more than 20 singers performing many toetappin’, swaying-to-the-music type of songs. David Noble sang several songs, one being the Elvis hit “If I Can Dream.” Bev Adams did a fine rendition of “Only You” by the Platters. A new resident, Eric Voge, sounded good doing “Kiss an Angel Good Morning,” while another


