12 May 2021



OC Democratic Chairwoman will speak at next meeting

OC Democratic Chairwoman will speak at next meeting

DEMOCRATIC CLUB The Leisure World Democratic Club will met on Wednesday, May 19, at noon via Zoom. The featured speaker is Orange County Democratic Party Chairwoman Ada Briceño. She will update members on issues relating to the upcoming recall election and will report on the recent Democratic State Party Convention. All LW Democrats and supporters are welcome to attend the meeting. Login




Relatively Speaking

Relatively Speaking

Miki Oh (l), Jung Suk Oh, Kathy Oh and Maya Oh surprised their father and grandfather, Michael Oh (center) from Mutual 1 by coming to spend the weekend with him. His daughters live in Seattle; Vancouver, Washington; and Portland and his granddaughter lives in San Francisco, respectively. Michael's old est daughter, Miki, decided to visit, and the rest of the sisters agreed it would be a good



JFTB Change of Command

JFTB Change of Command

The sound of artillery fire will echo across communities surrounding Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) on Saturday, May 15, commemorating the change of command of the California Army National Guard’s 100th Troop Command. The traditional artillery salute by three M119A3 howitzers of the Cal Guard’s Bravo Battery, 1st Battalion, 143rd Field Artillery Regiment, will highlight the formal ceremony


