25 November 2020


18 November 2020



Register now to attend new Fitness Center when it reopens

Register now to attend new Fitness Center when it reopens

STAYING FIT IN LW The completely overhauled Fitness Center in Clubhouse 6 will be open to residents as soon as safely possible. It has a faster sign-in process, all-new fitness equipment, a “smart” group exercise room and more. Everyone will need to register under the new, card-swipe system to use the facility. To expedite this process, GRF members can go to the Recreation Department


Gather safely to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19

Gather safely to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19

GETTING READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS The COVID-19 pandemic has been stressful and isolating for many people, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Gatherings during the upcoming holidays can be an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. This holiday season, consider how your holiday plans can be modified to reduce the spread of COVID-19 to keep your friends, families and communities





Stacks are coming down at power plant

Stacks are coming down at power plant

LWDWP Unit 6 at the Haynes Power Plant adjacent to Leisure World has been dismantled, leaving only its stack, which will be cut into pieces moving from top to bottom, starting in January. Each piece of the stack will be lifted by a crane and carefully lowered to the ground for removal. The Unit 5 metal framing will also be dismantled and removed in the same manner, in preparation for its

