18 November 2020


LW Baptist

LW Baptist

By Rolland Coburn Pastor The Bible makes a promise of new life in Christ: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come,” (2 Corinthians 5:17). “Things are different now, something happened to me/When I gave my heart to Jesus/ Things are different now/ I was changed it must be, when I gave my life to him/Things I loved before







Family Radio Service Users

Family Radio Service Users

Calling all Family Radio Service Users in Leisure World: The Radio Club provides an opportunity for a Family Radio Service (FRS) practice drill every Wednesday morning. Anyone who has an FRS radio is invited to participate. The call-in time is 9:30-9:45 a.m. on Channel 13/0. Be sure to wait until the radio is clear, then call in stating your first name, last name initial and mutual number. Remember



Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Reuse and repurpose cardboard boxes and scraps for a chance to win fabulous prizes in the Cool Cardboard Creations Contest. Submissions must be 95 percent cardboard. Acceptable materials include cardboard of all types, fasteners, glue, tape, as well as any nontoxic paint and recyclable decorations. The maximum size allowable for tabletop displays is 24 inches wide, 24 inches deep and 36 inches high.
