02 December 2020


Legendary arts program hosts online gala

Legendary arts program hosts online gala

FESTIVAL OF ARTS By Patty Marsters pattym@lwsb.com The arts have been hurting this year. Since March, art galleries, community theaters, musical venues and more have been closed to the public, unable to share their creativity or support themselves. Some have pivoted to provide online entertainment and education, but it is still a struggle. But difficult times call for innovation. Sponsored









Air & Water Day is on Dec. 5

Air & Water Day is on Dec. 5

ROLLIN’ THUNDER By Mike Levitt LW contributor Activities may have slowed for many Leisure World clubs, but Rollin’ Thunder Golf Cart Club is gearing up for one of its busiest months of the year. And all LWers are welcome to participate. The club will hold its quarterly Air & Water Day on Saturday, Dec. 5, from 9-10:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse 4 parking lot. Club volunteers will


Chess Club Puzzle

Chess Club Puzzle

The Chess Club is unable to play together because of the COVID-19 shutdowns. This week’s puzzle: White moves first, and for any answer by black, the white’s next move is checkmate. Solution to this week’s puzzle: B4. The white Bishop moves from A5 to B4. Any answer by black, the white’s next move is check mate.