03 March 2021


Drop off documents to be shredded today at CH 2

Drop off documents to be shredded today at CH 2

GAF The Golden Age Foundation’s shredding service event in the Clubhouse 2 parking lot will be held today, March 4, from 10 a.m.–noon. The event will be a drop-and-go service only, so residents will not have to wait in line to have their items shredded. GAF sponsors this free service and will be at the event to help shareholders if needed. Social distancing will be strictly enforced,



Fire extinguisher safety is the topic

Fire extinguisher safety is the topic

SUNSHINE CLUB Golden Rain Foundation Safety and Emergency Coordinator Eloy Gomez will present a powerpoint presentation about fire extinguisher safety on Friday, March 5, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. All shareholders are welcome to join this meeting. To join, go to https:// us-02web.zoom.us/j/8498208974 3? pwd= UGR3RlZRaUJmWml SNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode


The real cost of racism in America

The real cost of racism in America

SENIOR PEACE CLUB By Nancy Goldstein LW contributor The Senior Peace Club will meet via Zoom on Thursday, March 4, at 2 p.m. Continuing to focus on racism in America, the club will watch a YouTube video with author, political commentator and strategist Heather McGhee. There will be a discussion period afterward. McGhee is currently a distinguished senior fellow and former president of



Republican Club

Republican Club

By Brian Harmon LW contributor Some LW Republican Club members were upset last week by an attack ad from the Association of Orange County Sheriff’s, a public employee union. The claims of John Moorlach’s alledged harassment of an employee have been condemned by the OC Register and other sources. Moorlach is running for the Orange County Board of Supervisors in a special election March



Chess Club

Chess Club

The Chess Club publishes weekly puzzles to keep the love of the game alive since members can no longer meet to play in person. This week’s puzzle: white moves first and for any answer by black, the white’s next move is checkmate. Solution to this week’s puzzle: Qd4 The white Queen moves from e3tod4.Anyanswerbyblack,the white’snextmoveischeckmate.


Democratic Club

Democratic Club

By Mary Larson LW contributor With less than two weeks to go, the race for election to the Orange County Board of Supervisors has reached a critical stage. The winner of this seat will represent a district that includes all of Seal Beach and will serve the rest of Michelle Steel’s term that ends in 2022. The winner of this election will need to run again in the 2022 June Primary and November


Try something new during OC Restaurant Week

Try something new during OC Restaurant Week

Starting Sunday, March 7, several Orange County eateries will offer special menus at special prices for one week only. For many, OC Restaurant Week is the perfect time to try a new place. Now in its 13th year, the countywide promotion features more than 100 locations (listed at ocrestaurantweek.com), with local options including 320 Main, Heirloom and Old Crow Smokehouse, among others. Here’s