31 March 2021





Golf League Results

Golf League Results

On the cool morning of March 22, the League played at the Meadowlark Golf Club in Huntington Beach. A very brilliant sunrise greeted nine golfers. In spite of the good playing and course conditions, there was only one birdie and just two rounds under par. This was mainly due to the narrow fairways and elevated, sloping greens. Additionally, the course was being aerated and sanded on the back nine.






Assembly of God

Assembly of God

by Sheryl Franco Co-Pastor Easter was never about the Bunny at our house. We had great parents who, of course, indulged in our desire to create a huge mess dyeing eggs, almost ensuring we would have blue- and greenstained fingers for church on Sunday to complement our new outfits. I knew the Easter story from the Bible very well. I knew Jesus died for my sins and had accepted him into my heart


Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev is back on Facebook Live! Today we are in the Mo’ed (Intermediary Days) of Passover, and we are longing for next week when we can eat bread instead of Matzah. To join Beit HaLev’s Zoomagogue community, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9 152434704?pwd=THJGTE1OUXI5VXFDT WtuZHF4K3VxUT09. The meeting ID is 915 243 4704, and the passcode is RavGalit. To worship with Beit Halev on