21 April 2021


Karaoke Club

Karaoke Club

It was chilly and breezy the afternoon of April 15, but the karaoke singers waited for their turn to sing. Always anxious to take the microphone was Essie Hicks, who did the Linda Ronstadt number “Long Long Time.” Some country ballads were performed by Carmen Edwards, David Noble, Wayne Urban, Barbie May, Rick Riley and Ellen Brannigan. A variety of pop hits were sung by Ruby Johnson, Bob Barnum,




Drop off used batteries at CH 5

Drop off used batteries at CH 5

GOLDEN AGE FOUNDATION The Golden Age Foundation’s (GAF) battery collection service will opperate separately from its quarterly shredding service. Shareholders can now drop off used batteries at any time behind Clubhouse 5. Before the pandemic, the LW Weekly office and the Hospitality Room in Clubhouse 6 had buckets for shareholders to drop off used batteries at their convenience.The



SBTV-3 Listings

SBTV-3 Listings

SBTV-3 Listings SBTV-3 airs on TWC-Spectrum Channel 3, Frontier Fios Channel 37 and online streaming at sbtv3. org/ schedule. Have Roku? Go to http://roku. streamsource.tv/add/sbtv. The playback schedule is available at SBTV3.org. Thursday, April 22 4pm MCCSummerEvening Festival 5:20pm NationalParks2021 5:30pm ThoughtsAboutYou 5:50pm Rollin’ThunderMarch2021 6pm McGaughFouthGradeShow


Triumph over Technology class will be held on Friday, April 23

Triumph over Technology class will be held on Friday, April 23

SUNSHINE CLUB The Sunshine Club will sponsor an hourlong workshop featuring Leisure World’s technology experts, Tina Schaffer and Jeff Plum of Computer Images Plus. The free class will be held on Friday, April 23, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 84982089743?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJmWmlS NE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is


Find fresh eggs and fruit at G Farms

Find fresh eggs and fruit at G Farms

by Ellen Brannigan LW contributor Look for Jair Sanchez at the G Farms booth, where he sells fresh eggs, ripe citrus and other fruits as well as almonds and raisins. G Farms sells Henry’s Eggs at its booth, which come from “happy chickens.” The chickens are cage-free and walk around the yard like farm birds used to do. The chickens are not fed hormones or chemicals, which Sanchez says

