12 January 2022




First Christian Church

First Christian Church

First Christian Church of Leisure World teaches from God’s word, the Holy Bible, verse by verse. It is a friendly church that welcomes all visitors. Services Saturday and Sunday services have the same message given by Pastor Bruce Humes. Sunday services are from 9:3010:45 a.m. and are traditional, with hymnal music featuring Pat Kogok at the piano. Iris Muncie will sing a special solo this


Faith Christian Assembly

Faith Christian Assembly

Many people like to make resolutions in the New Year; it’s symbolic of this time as a new beginning when people can attempt to reset and make improvements. Often the focus, energy and time that is put into those goals loses steam as the days, weeks and months go by. Change, especially sustained change, can be difficult. But Jesus modeled a better way. In Mark, Chapter 4, Jesus is teaching a





Community Church

Community Church

Pastor Johan Dodge will return to the pulpit on Sunday, Jan. 16, after a time of refreshment with his family. He will speak on the topic “Fruit of the Vine/ Fruit of the Spirit.” He offers the following reflection to guide church members’ prayers and devotions throughout the week: “The Holy Spirit enlivens each person with unique gifts that nurture faith and serve the common good. To identify



Beit Halev

Beit Halev

Rabbi-Cantor Galit-Shirah has decided to postpone Beit HaLev’s return to live, in-person services until March. The omicron surge will hopefully have ebbed and the extension of the mask mandate will hopefully be lifted by then. Until then, Beit HaLev livestream services are on Facebook at Facebook.com/ galityomtov and Zoom. To join the Zoomagogue community, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 9152434704?pwd=THJGTE1O