06 July 2022


29 June 2022


Shania Twain-Tim McGraw tribute is tonight

Shania Twain-Tim McGraw tribute is tonight

IT’S SHOWTIME The first full Amphitheater show season since 2019 begins tonight at 7:30. The Golden Rain Foundation invites residents to spend easy, breezy Thursday nights at LW’s iconic 2,500-seat Amphitheater with its powerful sound system. The 2022 season features a 12-show lineup with an eclectic mix of country, rock, pop, soul and blues tribute performers. Koffel’s will set up a grill


Celebrate Fourth of July with classic cars,  Roy Orbison tribute and patriotic parade

Celebrate Fourth of July with classic cars, Roy Orbison tribute and patriotic parade

The GRF Recreation Department will host the annual Independence Day celebration with a classic car show, the Rollin’ Thunder Golf Cart Parade ( see page 16 for map), a craft club show and the Black & White Knights Roy Orbison tribute on Monday, July 4, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in Clubhouse 6 and the parking lot. Parking will be limited at Clubhouse 6, so people are encouraged to park at Cluhouse


GRF Executive  Board announced

GRF Executive Board announced

GRF LEADERSHIP The GRF Board of Directors elected officers after the annual meeting on June 14. Officers for the 2022-2023 GRF Board of Directors are: Marsha Gerber, president; William Thompson, vice president; Carol Levine, corporate secretary; and Phil Friedman, treasurer. The board also approved the appointment of committee chairs for the 2022-2023 term. The new chairs of standing




The Golden Age Foundation will ….

The Golden Age Foundation will ….

The Golden Age Foundation will host a shredding service July 5 so residents can safely dispose of sensitive documents. Page 17




Food programs abound in OC

Food programs abound in OC

by Robann Arshat GRF member resourced liaison There are many food resources in Orange County. For easy access to information on food programs, resources, farmers markets, nutrition and a free food map, visit the website at www.ocfoodhelp. org. Here is a list of some of the biggest programs: CalFresh The largest food program in California, CalFresh is also known as the food stamp program or