16 February 2022


Learn about Care Ambulance

Learn about Care Ambulance

SUNSHINE CLUB Lisa Carrillo, the community outreach coordinator for Care Ambulance will be the speaker at the Sunshine Club meeting on Friday, Feb. 18 at 10 a.m. Care Ambulance is now a part of FALCK Global. All residents are welcome to join this Zoom meeting by going to https://us02web.zoom. us/j/87427954280?pwd=dExQ R2dDblZSbUNkQlVoclhrajFh UT09. The meeting ID is 874 2795 4280, and the



Nikkei Club

Nikkei Club

The Nikkei Club will meet on Saturday, Feb. 19, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 11 a.m. Guest Les Feller will give a presentation on the parallel connection between Japanese and Jewish culture in history. Members are asked to bring a dish to contribute to the potluck. Those who are not able bring a dish will be asked to pay $7 toward El Pollo Loco chicken dishes. People are asked to wear masks when they




Send your suggestions to the club

Send your suggestions to the club

WHERE WE LIVE CLUB The Where We Live Club of Leisure World, Seal Beach, is dedicated to improving all aspects of the community. In the past, the club has looked into covering the water channel, improving air quality and changing the name of the community. Instead of meeting this month, the club wants to take time to reflect and refocus. How can the Where We Live Club best improve the quality




Drop off batteries behind CH 5

Drop off batteries behind CH 5

GAF The Golden Age Foundation ( GAF) sponsors several programs to enhance the quality of life of Leisure World residents, including it s environmental program, which encourages recycling fluorescent light bulbs and old and used small consumer batteries, including those for hearing aids. Pre-pandemic, the GAF placed collection buckets in the LW Weekly office as well as the Hospitality
