23 February 2022


Centennials to be recognized

Centennials to be recognized

The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) is calling upon all LW residents who have reached the age of 100 or will achieve that fantastic milestone in 2022 to sign up for a special day to honor them. The GAF, along with GRF, wants to recognize LW’s longlived residents who have been witness to world events since 1922. Help is needed in identifying and contacting LW centenarians in time for the April


Concerned  Shareholders

Concerned Shareholders

The Concerned Shareholders’ next meeting will be held on Feb. 24 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, at 1p.m. The annual Concerned Shareholders Board of Directors’ elections will be held at this meeting. There will be nominations from the floor. Golden Rain Foundation President Susan Hopewell will be the guest speaker. The effects of new Davis-Stirling voting laws on the elections for directors of




The Leisure World Korean American ….

The Leisure World Korean American ….

The Leisure World Korean American ROTC Association get together through the Kakao app and via Zoom. The group plays a round of golf on the second Thursday of every month and holds family gatherings twice a year. All Korean American ROTC alumni in Leisure World are welcome to join the group. It is a great way to make friends, share stories and memories of the military service in Korea. To join, contact



Republican Club

Republican Club

by Brian Harmon LW Contributor At the February Republican Club meeting, President David Harlow issued a call to Republicans, to not only vote, but also to volunteer and help Republicans running for office. Volunteers are needed to walk, phone and possibly stuff mailers, he said. The hope is to help Republican candidates gain seats in the Senate, House of Representatives and state offices throughout


