30 September 2020


New seal and sea lion exhibit is open

New seal and sea lion exhibit is open

AQUARIUM OF PACIFIC The Aquarium of the Pacific is offering a new way for visitors to view an animal care presentation that makes accommodations for social distancing and safety. The Aquarium has a Seals and Sea Lions Experience on Sunday mornings before the Aquarium opens to the public. Join the animal husbandry staff as they feed and care for the Aquarium’s seals and sea lions. Limited






Anne Stone is this week’s speak

Anne Stone is this week’s speak

SUNSHINE CLUB er Anne Stone from The League of Women Voters will speak at the next Sunshine Club Zoom meeting on Oct. 2. To join the Zoom meeting, use the link https://us02web.zoom. us/j/88355201570 The meeting ID is 883 5520 1570. Those who would like to get the Zoom link by email can text their email address to (562) 301-5339. All shareholders are welcome to join the Zoom meeting.


Hui O Hula dancers help celebrate Faye’s 91st

Hui O Hula dancers help celebrate Faye’s 91st

LW BIRTHDAY Hui O Hula dancers help celebrate Faye's 91st Faye Summers of Mutual 2 was overwhelmed by the birthday celebration put on by her caregiver, Maddy Branco, for her 91st birthday at her home on Sept. 23. Fourteen neighbors and friends gathered on the lawn for a surprise gift of the Hui O Hula dancers and Hawaiian music. Faye joined in from her chair to the song, “He’s Got The



Club preps for upcoming election

Club preps for upcoming election

DEMOCRATIC CLUB By Mary Larson LW contributor After productive discussions via Zoom and email in September, LW’s Democratic Club Board issued their recommendations on the propositions that will appear on the upcoming General Election ballots. During the meeting, issues centering around several of the propositions received special attention. Recognizing the importance of California’s


Chess Club

Chess Club

This week’s puzzle white moves first and for any answer by black, the white’s next move is checkmate. Unfortunately, the Chess Club cannot play chess in person due to the coronavirus. However, the chess puzzles will appear in the LW Weekly each week to keep the love of the game alive. - Solution to this week’s puzzle: Qh2 - The white Queen moves from g1 to h2. Any an- swer by black, the