30 December 2020





LW Baptist

LW Baptist

By Rolland Coburn Pastor Our savior had a miraculous birth, yet a normal childhood. Nevertheless, his growing up included some amazing elements. The Bible says newborn Jesus’ father and mother were amazed at the things spoken about him (Luke 2:33). At the baby’s eighth-day circumcision, Mary and Joseph registered his name as Jesus, meaning Jehovah is salvation, as the angel said before


Community Church

Community Church

By Johan Dodge Reverend It will be New Year’s Eve on the date of this publication. It is the end of what my children describe as a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year.” The world around us is hurting and in deep pain. Maybe you lost a friend, a loved one, or even a family member. Some have suffered the most difficult loss of a child amidst this COVID-19 battle. Even as we continue


Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev’s Coffee Chavurah on Zoom will celebrate the Sabbath evening on Friday, Dec. 31, at 5:30, followed by the evening service at 6. On Saturday, the morning service begins at 10:30, followed by the Coffee Chavurah. To join on Zoom, go to https:// us02web.zoom.us/j/9152434704 ?pwd=THJGTE1OUXI5VXFDT WtuZHF4K3VxUT09. The meeting ID is 915 243 4704, and the passcode is RavGalit. Beit HaLev





First Christian Church

First Christian Church

By Bruce Humes Pastor Truth be known, I think we all are looking for the year 2020 to come to a close so we can move on to 2021. This is certainly a year that won’t quickly be forgotten. The worldwide pandemic has changed the landscape of not only America, but the world for decades to come should the Lord tarry. We all would love to return to that which we thought was normal human behavior,