27 January 2021




Solitaire as a comparison to life

Solitaire as a comparison to life

Solitaire teaches lessons about yourself and life, as well as applies to all your endeavors. Here are some points to keep in mind: Dealing out three or more of the same card value makes it tough to win. This relates to overindulgence or too much of the same thing. Variety is the spice of life. A great start does not always mean you will win. It can give false hope and immediate disappointment.



Sal Herrera of Mutual 4 ….

Sal Herrera of Mutual 4 ….

Sal Herrera of Mutual 4 won first place in the Cool Cardboard Creations Contest with his re-creation of a Cushman GRF maintenance cart, which made the same sound as its real counterpart as he wheeled it out of Clubhouse 3.


• For faster registration, have ….

• For faster registration, have ….

• For faster registration, have the following information ready: » Name » Name (living in same unit) » Mutual number » Unit number » Email » Phone number » Date of birth • Before pre-registering for the COVID-19 vaccine, check with your personal physician to make sure you are a candidate to receive the vaccine. All entries will be added to the database of those who want the


Leisure World, many of whom ….

Leisure World, many of whom ….

Leisure World, many of whom expressed shock and sadness at his sudden passing. Virtually everyone who met Tommy instantly liked him because he was so loving, kind and caring. When his death was announced on LW’s Facebook page, more than 125 people weighed in: “Such a larger-than-life person,” posted Dee Merritt Steinbrecher; “So talented and giving,” from Delona Davis; “Such a nice


