10 March 2021


Democratic Club

Democratic Club

By Mary Larson LW contributor Former Congressman Harley Rouda, who represented Orange County’s 48th District in the House of Representatives from 2019–2021, is already actively working on being re-elected in 2022. His campaign manager, Alyssa Napuri, will be the featured speaker for the Democratic Club Zoom membership meeting on Wednesday, March 17, starting at noon. Napuri will bring members






Video Producers  Zoom Meetings

Video Producers Zoom Meetings

The Video Producers Club offers free, weekly Zoom classes, as well as a social opportunity. Classes are as follows: • Monday, 2 p.m.: Zoom class for iPad and Mac users hosted by Fred Carpenter. For an invite to his class, email sail1942@gmail.com. • Wednesday, 10 a.m.: Beginners’ Zoom class for Windows and Android users with Charlie Guggino. For an invite to this class, email




Family Radio Service Users

Family Radio Service Users

Calling all Family Radio Service Users in Leisure World: The Radio Club provides an opportunity for a Family Radio Service (FRS) practice drill every Wednesday morning. Anyone who has an FRS radio is invited to participate. The call-in time is 9:30-9:45 a.m. on Channel 13/0. Be sure to wait until the radio is clear, then call in stating your first name, last name initial and mutual number. Remember
