24 March 2021


LW club celebrates its 16th hula-versary

LW club celebrates its 16th hula-versary

HUI O HULA Hui O Hula celebrated its 16th anniversary “on the green” on St. Patrick’s Day. As is tradition, the dancers and band members dressed in green. They celebrated the occasion by dancing the Green Rose Hula; eating a lunch of salads, corned beef on Hawaiian sweet bread and cake; and taking a group photo. Instructor Jojo Weingart (front) and her board—Kaye Huff, Susan Cucci









Literature Art Contest

Literature Art Contest

The Leisure World Library is sponsoring a Literature Art Contest, for which LWers are asked to re-create a scene or pay tribute to a suggested famous work of fiction. Any artistic medium—paint, ceramic, sculpture, wood, paper, needlecraft or other handcraft— will be accepted, but artists should be mindful that submitted works will be on display outside for several hours. Participants will


Knott’s brings back its Boysenberry Festival

Knott’s brings back its Boysenberry Festival

By Patty Marsters pattym@lwsb.com Though it has yet to set an official reopening date, Knott’s Berry Farm has offered locals the chance to experience its delicious seasonal delicacies. And there is no greater local delicacy than the boysenberry. The definitive origins of the boysenberry have remained a mystery, but most people trace it back to Rudolph Boysen, a farmer in Anaheim. According