21 April 2021





14 April 2021


Late summer opening eyed

Late summer opening eyed

POOL UPDATE by Ruth Osborn rutho_news@lwsb.com From the outside, the LW Pool and Spa facility looks like a completely stalled construction project; there’s not a lot of discernible progress. But like a fallow field, the project is teeming with underlying activity that will yield a first-class pool in the near future. This foundational work between the GRF and the architect, SGE


Residents fill every session available at new center

Residents fill every session available at new center

FIRST CLASS FITNESS The newly renovated Fitness Center reopened for the first time in over a year April 12 to a full house, COVID-19 style—in 45-minute sessions with 15 exercisers per shift. Residents lined up outside Clubhouse 6 at 6 a.m., waiting for the doors to open. They were escorted upstairs, where they registered at the new check-in desk. Once on the floor, they had their choice of



Coyotes spotted in most LW Mutuals

Coyotes spotted in most LW Mutuals

WATCH YOUR PETS by Ruth Osborn rutho_news@lwsb.com Coyote sightings are on the rise in almost every Mutual in Leisure World. There is a reason why: it’s whelping season. In California, coyotes breed mainly during January, February and March. The gestation period is about 60-63 days. Young are born March through May, with litter sizes averaging 5-6 pups. Coyotes produce one litter per

