28 April 2021





First Christian Church of Leisure ….

First Christian Church of Leisure ….

First Christian Church of Leisure World teaches from God’s word, the Holy Bible. Most often verse by verse. It is a friendly church that welcomes all visitors. The Message Pastor Bruce Humes will wrap up the study of the “Judgements of God.” He will present what Christ calls the “Great White Throne Judgement.” As the thousandyear reign of Christ comes to an end, Satan will be released


In December 2019, a runner ….

In December 2019, a runner ….

In December 2019, a runner in the CAT 10K Thailand Championship fell to the ground, exhausted, just a few meters from the finish line. Unable to regain his feet, he sat helplessly as other runners passed him and recorded their times. Unexpectedly, one of the runners stopped just short of the finish line, turned around and returned to the man on the ground. Realizing his colleague was incapable of


Mutual 2 greenbelt gets a makeover

Mutual 2 greenbelt gets a makeover

Editor’s note: Due to a blackout of Mutual candidates’ names during election season, the contributor’s name was removed from this story. New to Leisure World, a Mutual 2 shareholder was concerned by the amount of invasive weeds in the greenbelt in front of his unit. He took it upon himself to see what it would take to have the weeds removed and try something different. His plan for a drought-tolerant




Club booth now open every Tuesday

Club booth now open every Tuesday

DEMOCRATIC CLUB by Mary Larson LW contributor The Democratic Club will welcome Ada Briceño as the featured speaker at its next monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 19. Briceño, the chair of the Orange County Democratic Party, will report on the 2021 State Party Convention as well as bring updates relating to the upcoming recall election. The first immigrant to lead the Orange County
