05 May 2021


Celebrate Mother’s Day on May 9 with a special service

Celebrate Mother’s Day on May 9 with a special service

FAITH CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 9. To say that mothers are important is an incredible understatement. To say they shape and influence our lives, just doesn’t say enough. Abraham Lincoln once said, “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” George Washington remarked, “My mother was the most beautiful




LW Baptist

LW Baptist

The LW Baptist church family warmly invites LWers to join its 9:30 a.m. worship service on Sunday, May 9, in the Amphitheater. The service’s theme will center on Mother’s Day and what great things Jesus does for mothers and their children in every generation. The Bible account under consideration is Luke 8:26-39, which shows the life transformations Jesus accomplished for a mother’s afflicted



Key Points

Key Points

• The U.S. Drought Monitor reports that California remains entrenched in moderate-to-exceptional drought as the fifth into sixth consecutive dry months since October, likely ensuring that the region will suffer back-to-back dry water years. • In California, 91 percent of the state is in drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. • Precipitation totals and snowpack remain well


Barbara Houck's mother, Lois Olive ….

Barbara Houck's mother, Lois Olive ….

Barbara Houck's mother, Lois Olive Warren (Pettit) Cowan, was always the lady, and Barbara was taught be the same.


ally, it will be extremely ….

ally, it will be extremely ….

ally, it will be extremely difficult for law enforcement to identify the persons responsible. “The best way to stop these types of scams is to build awareness and prevent them before they occur,” Chief Gonshak continued. “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. With that, please be mindful and check in with seniors frequently to ensure they are not falling victim to financial


Learn about Medicare fraud

Learn about Medicare fraud

SUNSHINE CLUB Carol Bond Chap from Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) will present on Medicare fraud at the Sunshine Club’s next meeting on Friday, May 7, at 10 a.m. All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at https://us02web. zoom.us/j/84982089743?pwd=UGR3Rl ZRaUJmWmlSNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742.


Next Low-Cost Vet Care Clinic May 9

Next Low-Cost Vet Care Clinic May 9

The Los Alamitos Recreation and Community Services Department, in partnership with Vet Care, is offering a monthly drive-up, low-cost veterinary clinic at the Los Alamitos Community Center at 10911 Oak St. on various Sundays from 4–6 p.m. Listed below are the remaining dates for 2021: • Sunday,May9 • Sunday,June6 • Sunday,Aug.1 • Sunday,Sept.26 • Sunday,Oct.24 •