26 May 2021


LWers compete in frog jumping

LWers compete in frog jumping

Each year on the third weekend of May, Calaveras County celebrates Mark Twain’s first nationally published work of fiction during its annual fair. And this year, at least two Leisure World residents joined the fun. Sue Ellis of Mutual 15 and Midge Bash of Mutual 14 attended the Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee with their contenders, Traveling Troy and Flying Frank, respectively.



Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library

As of Wednesday, June 2, the Friends of the Library Bookstore, located adjacent to the LW Library, will no longer require reservations. There will be a greeter outside to ensure no more than three people are inside at a time, with a maximum browsing period of a half-hour. Two volunteers will be inside to help customers shop. The Bookstore is open Wednesday-Friday from noon-3 p.m. and Saturday from



Chess Club

Chess Club

The Chess Club publishes weekly puzzles to keep the love of the game alive until its members meet to play in person again. This week’s puzzle is checkmate in three moves. White moves first. Any answer by Black, and White’s third move is checkmate. The solution to this week’s puzzle’s first move is: Ra6. The White rook moves from a3 to a6. The Black pawn to a6, then White to Bg2. Black



Ladies Golf Club

Ladies Golf Club

On May 18, 57 members of the Ladies Golf Club competed for low gross, low net and fewest putts. This was the highest number of ladies participating in the weekly tournament since January 2019. The flight winners were: Flight A: Low gross: tie between Linda Herman and Linda Joo, 28; low net: tie between Ann Tran and Jane Song, 24; fewest putts: GeeGee Kwak, 12. Flight B: Low gross: Hi Lee,



First G&G Tournament of 2021 played at Turtle Lake on May 19

First G&G Tournament of 2021 played at Turtle Lake on May 19

by Dave LaCascia LW contributor The first Leisure World Guys & Gals Tournament since early 2020 was played on LW’s Turtle Lake Golf Course on May 19. Three flights of a one-man-andone- woman team competed for best net scores, four circle holes (within a 5-foot circle) and two closest-to-the-pin challenges. A total of 80 golfers participated through the early morning and into the
