09 June 2021


Teaching manners with rhymes

Teaching manners with rhymes

by Patty Marsters pattym@lwsb.com LW Theater Club president Taylor White took her creative skills to a new level, publishing “Grandma’s Guide to Good Manners” in April. With a catchy rhyme scheme that’s perfect for early readers, White teaches young children the importance of manners and kindness, as well as hygiene. Everyday concepts such as waiting your turn, sharing and being








Register for summer session starting June 14

Register for summer session starting June 14

OLLI SENIOR U The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University, Long Beach. will begin its 2021 summer session, with registration starting June 14. This year, CSULB is celebrating its 25th year offering educational and social opportunities to OLLI members. OLLI publishes OLLI registration and other information in The SUN. It contains a class schedule and interesting


CERT Classes to Resume

CERT Classes to Resume

A new cycle of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) classes will be scheduled once LW clubhouses are fully reopened for meetings. This will include a session taught in Korean. Interested residents are asked to sign up now by calling Sonji Friedman at (562) 243-1894 and leave their names, addresses, phone numbers and emails. Class dates and times have not been set, but organizers are asking
