17 February 2021


10 February 2021


is in the air

is in the air

Las Vegas has offered mixed odds on 2021 so far. On Feb. 2, Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter, and COVID-19 surges and recedes around us. But in Leisure World, there are a few bright spots on the horizon— nearly half of the community has been vaccinated against COVID-19 and Valentine’s Day, that little oasis of hearts and flowers, is almost here. It’s clear that




COVID-19 Vaccine Update

COVID-19 Vaccine Update

4,200 Residents Vaccinated OptumCare held the latest clinics on Feb. 4 and 5, with 1,700 residents over 65 receiving their first doses of Pfizer vaccine. This means approximately 4,200 seniors have received their first shots. On Feb. 8 and 9, 1,100 residents were expected to receive their final doses. As of Monday, clinics were reportedly running smoothly and ahead of schedule. Next Second-Dose




Been planning a project? You need a GRF permit

Been planning a project? You need a GRF permit

PHYSICAL PROPERTY There’s a light at the end of the tunnel with regard to the COVID-19 shutdown, so it’s likely that residents will soon be thinking about getting started on delayed remodels and projects. With that in mind, here is a step-by-step review of how to obtain a building permit from the GRF. In order for a shareholder to make any modifications to his or her residence, building



GRF Construction Update

GRF Construction Update

GRF projects are underway around the community despite slowdowns attributed to COVID-19. This column will update residents on the progress of various construction projects. The information is provided by GRF Facilities Director Mark Weaver and Physical Property Manager David Rudge. LW POOL Physical Property staff share the community’s frustrations on the delays associated with the repair of