23 September 2020


There will be one entrance ….

There will be one entrance ….

There will be one entrance for cars and a separate entrance for scooters, bikes and carts. The clinic will be located behind Clubhouse 4. There will be signs to guide traffic. People are asked to come at times designated by mutuals (see chart below).





A Crape Myrtle tree in ….

A Crape Myrtle tree in ….

A Crape Myrtle tree in full bloom caught the eye of Phyllis Poper in Mutual 14. She has lived in Leisure World for 20 years and has never seen it bloom. Now she knows that the showy summer flowers are a beautiful shade of pinky purple.


Anita Ragole: Sophistication and Service

Anita Ragole: Sophistication and Service

IN APPRECIATION Editor’s Note: Anita Ragole of Mutual 10 died on Sept. 16. She was a well-known and beloved figure in Leisure World, participating in many clubs and especially known for her musical talent and generous spirit. The following is an appreciation by her friend Rhonda Sandberg. by Rhonda Sandberg special to the LW Weekly I often called her “sophisticated lady” because



Mutual 6 residents to have a scaled-back drill this y

Mutual 6 residents to have a scaled-back drill this y

ear by Lynn Baidack LW contributor Mutual 6 is a top participant in the annual California ShakeOut earthquake preparedness drills held every year. Like most events this year, the ShakeOut has been cancelled because of COVID-19. But Mutual 6 residents will modify its participation with a scaled-back drill featuring sheltering in place, a face mask give-away and the dissemination of OptumCare

