14 October 2020


Keep the peace during election season

Keep the peace during election season

SECURITY COLUMN by Victor Rocha Security Services director As stated in past articles in the LW Weekly, everyone is entitled to free speech. This includes the right to place signs and banners of support for candidates (within Mutual and GRF rules) and other lawful actions to support their candidates or cause. Unfortunately, there have been incidents inside the community that include destroying


LW golf course to be called Turtle Lake

LW golf course to be called Turtle Lake

CONTEST WINNER After a long hiatus, the Recreation Committee met Oct. 5 and approved a winner in the Golf Course Naming Contest. Fortysix GRF members submitted 95 entries for consideration. As there were many duplicates, consideration was given based on the dates entries were received by the Recreation Department. The winning entry came from Laura Garcia of Mutual 8 and, pending approval by




GRF projects are underway around ….

GRF projects are underway around ….

GRF projects are underway around the community despite slowdowns attributed to the COVID-19 repercussions. This column will update residents on the progress of various construction projects. The information is provided by GRF Facilities Director Mark Weaver and Physical Property Manager David Rudge.




