07 October 2020


Genealogy Club

Genealogy Club

All our welcome to join the Leisure World Genealogy Club on Oct. 14 at 10 a.m. Charles Beal will speak via Zoom on “Select Biographies of Military Veterans from the War of 1812 to Spanish American War buried in Orange County.” Charles was born in the City of Orange and grew up in Santa Ana. He served three years in the Army as a military policeman. After discharge, he attended Santa Ana College


LW Library  Curbside Pick Up

LW Library Curbside Pick Up

Despite the limitations imposed by the fight against COVID- 19, LW Library staff is continuing its innovative curbside pick-up program. • To schedule your pick-up of requested material, call the library at (562) 598-2431, Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or email LWLibrary@lwsb.com. When emailing, include your name, library card number, phone number and what kinds of materials you









The dos and don’ts of wearing,  cleaning and disposing of your mask

The dos and don’ts of wearing, cleaning and disposing of your mask

Many of us have become accustomed to wearing a mask every day to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from the coronavirus. We all have our own dedicated “mask spot” in our homes. It might be by a door or in a bag so we don’t forget to grab it before we leave the house. We meet friends outside and at a distance or over Zoom to keep us safe. Even though the initial months of the pandemic