07 October 2020


GAF buys supplies for LW’s own emergency support team

GAF buys supplies for LW’s own emergency support team

CERT AND THE GAF The Golden Age Foundation supports the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in Leisure World with backpacks and other equipment to help it carry out its mission to respond when professional help is not immediately available. Leisure World’s own CERT team and program is designed to meet the special requirements of the retirement community. Among its sponsors is the





GRF projects are underway around the community despite slowdowns attributed to the COVID-19 repercussions. This column will update residents on the progress of various construction projects. The information is provided by GRF Facilities Director Mark Weaver and Physical Property Manager David Rudge. LW POOL Progress on the pool project continues despite challenges posed by COVID-19. Plans are






The GAF is nearly finished ….

The GAF is nearly finished ….

The GAF is nearly finished distributing to Mutuals the last of nearly 5,000 masks made by 55 volunteers. Last week, directors came to pick up boxes of 100. The 5-month project was coodinated by GAF President Anna Derby (center) in red and Diana Harrison. Picking up masks last week were Mutual 3 President Carol Ginthner (l-r); Mutual 8 President Jeri Dolch, who is next to Anna, Mutual 17 President


The joy of the Lord is our strength

The joy of the Lord is our strength

LW BAPTIST By Rolland Coburn Pastor Recently a friend gave us a lovely, homemade, decorative candle for our living room. On it is a Bible promise, “The joy of the Lord is your strength,” (Nehemiah 8:10). What an amazing word. It reveals the source of our strength. We cannot afford to lose our joy, or God forbid, give it away. Jesus said no one can take your joy from you, the joy
