11 November 2020


Surviving Iwo Jima

Surviving Iwo Jima

Sandy Goldfarb, Mutual 12 Sanford “Sandy” Goldfarb is a feisty guy with an easy smile who is beloved in his Mutual 12 community, having served as a director for many years. He’s affectionately known “Dad” or “Pops” by his American Legion pals, some of whom are young enough to be his children. When asked if surviving Iwo Jima was the high point of his life, he instantly and robustly


Letters Home Every Day

Letters Home Every Day

Morton H. Goldberg Mutual 14 Morton Goldberg, 96, of Mutual 14 joined the Army at 19, serving in the 364th Station Hospital under the Sixth Army in the Pacific Theater. He was born and raised in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and was 18 when Pearl Harbor was attacked on Dec. 7, 1941. After the United States entered World War II, the new Selective Service Act made men between 18-45 liable for military





Tech Talk

Tech Talk

Join Bob Cohen in a onehour live Zoom class on technology every Friday at 10 a.m. Topics are different each week and include iPhones and apps, websites, home-office technology, and Internet marketing. A question-and-answer session is held during each class, and all you need to know in advance is how to join using Zoom. All sessions are free. Registration information with optional reading material


Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Withmorepeople taking advantage of having everything delivered to their homes, mounds of recyclable cardboard boxes have been multiplying, even in Leisure World S e al Be ach , where another mutual could possibly be built from discarded shipping materials. Instead of tossing those cardboard containers, reuse and repurpose boxes and scraps for a chance to win fabulous prizes in the Cool Cardboard



Hui O Hula dancers and ….

Hui O Hula dancers and ….

Hui O Hula dancers and band appreciate the opportunity to practice their crafts during uncertain times. Instructor Jojo Weingart thanks Sara Park (front l-r) and Gee Gee Kwok for their devotion to hula. Both have been dancing and performing for more than a decade. Kudos also goes to malihini (newcomer) Nam Bui, a.k.a.Nancy, (second row, left) for her sunny disposition; she is a great addition to LW’s
