02 December 2020




Hope sees the way for opposing views

Hope sees the way for opposing views

COMMUNITY CHURCH By Johan Dodge Reverend There was a joke running around the last two weeks: “bring up politics at Thanksgiving to reduce your Christmas shopping.” First, I hope we all stayed safely distanced over Thanksgiving, as difficult as that might have been. But perhaps more important, that we are able to find peace amid the divergent viewpoints within our families. This week,



Online resources to help with holiday stress

Online resources to help with holiday stress

MENTAL HEALTH For some, the holiday season is, as the song goes, the most wonderful time of the year. But for others, it’s a season of anxiety and depression. And that may be particularly true this year. These free online classes aim to help get you through to 2021. If you’re feeling overwhelmed about the holidays and maybe life itself, podcast host and mindset coach Lynn Owens teaches






Leisure Bikers

Leisure Bikers

Sunday Leisure Bikers ride to Long Beach Municipal Golf Course and have breakfast, then continue to El Dorado park for a 2-mile hike at the Nature Center. There are also rides on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All are invited to join; helmets, safe shoes and masks are a must. Call Mary Romero at (562) 810-4266 for more information.