09 December 2020



Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Cool Cardboard Creations Contest

Reuse and repurpose cardboard boxes and scraps for a chance to win fabulous prizes in the Cool Cardboard Creations Contest. Submissions must be 95 percent cardboard. Acceptable materials include cardboard of all types, fasteners, glue, tape, as well as any nontoxic paint and recyclable decorations. The maximum size allowable for tabletop displays is 24 inches wide, 24 inches deep and 36 inches high.


Balance & Stability Class

Balance & Stability Class

A Landmark Balance & Stability class is offered on Saturdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., on Zoom. Instructor Adrianne Rosenfeld teaches the free, 40-minute class that focuses on balance, shifting weight and cognizant activities. It broadcasts at around 4:20-4:40 p.m. every day on the Spectrum Cable Channel 1390, right after the Queen Kong interview and is available on youtube.com. Rosenfeld is certified




02 December 2020


Pearl Harbor—A date that lives in infamy

Pearl Harbor—A date that lives in infamy

President Franklin Roosevelt called Dec. 7, 1941, “a date which will live in infamy.” On that day, Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The bombing killed more than 2,300 Americans and decimated the U.S. Pacific Fleet. It destroyed the American battleship USS Arizona and capsized the USS Oklahoma. The attack sank or beached a total of 12 ships



Hanukkah, tree lighting will be livestreamed

Hanukkah, tree lighting will be livestreamed

GRF HOLIDAY EVENTS by Kathy Thayer assistant recreation manager We may not be sipping cocoa with our neighbors or sitting on Santa’s lap with our wish list this year, but that’s no reason to let the Grinch spoil our holidays. In that spirit, the GRF Recreation Department will livestream two holiday events that have become Leisure World traditions. On Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 4:30 p.m.


GRF votes to shut down LW amenities

GRF votes to shut down LW amenities

COVID-19 UPDATES by Kathy Thayer assistant recreation manager After opening most outdoor amenities over the last few months, a surge in COVID-19 cases has forced GRF to temporarily shut down GRF facilities. GRF Executive Director Randy Ankeny shared the following statistics that entered into the difficult decision taken by the GRF Board of Directors at the Nov. 24 meeting: • Number