13 October 2021





Judy Kim scores hole-in-one

Judy Kim scores hole-in-one

WOMEN’S GOLF CLUB The Women’s Golf Club congratulates the winners of the President’s Cup Tournament who were presented with their awards at the general meeting on Oct. 5. In first place was Veronica Chang, followed by Chong Hee Kim in second and Janice Turner in third. Tied for fourth place were Myung Kim and Helen Yoon. Also on that beautiful, sunny fall day, 44 members of the Women’s




Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke

Gerry Taguloa dedicated the song “She Believes in Me” to his lovely wife, Vilma, at the Oct. 6 karaoke party. Among the other performers were Erika Greenwood with a country and western tune, Eileen Merritt with a fine “I Want to Know What Love is,” and Carolyn Mottola with “Candy Man.” It felt as if Elvis was in the building as his hits were sung by David Noble and Ric Dizon. Representing


4-20 takes top spot in fall play

4-20 takes top spot in fall play

POOL LEAGUE In the third week of the LW Pool League, the first-place Fantastics edged out Hot Sticks by a 7-6 score. Rusty Aquino of the Fantastics won four of his seven matches, including both of his singles matches in eight-ball and nine-ball. The tightly contested match lasted long after all the other teams had finished, but their slim margin of victory wasn’t enough to keep the Fantastics


Yahtzee Club

Yahtzee Club

The Yahtzee Club has resumed meeting at 12:30 p.m. every Friday in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. No new members will be accepted in October. Existing members need to call or text Kathy Rose at (714) 309-6873 by Wednesday of the week they plan to attend.


Seeking Your  Frightful Scenes

Seeking Your Frightful Scenes

Ghosts, goblins and other frightful sites are beginning to appear throughout Leisure World, including in the LW Library (above). Send photos of your spooktacular scenes to pattym@lwsb.com by Oct. 21 for possible inclusion in the Oct. 28 issue.