06 October 2021



LWer follows Disney’s footsteps

LWer follows Disney’s footsteps

TRAVEL by Joanna Matos LW contributor The kid in me signed up for a informative day tour that had significant importance in the life of Walt Disney, a beloved man among children and adults alike. During his lifetime, he became an entertainment magnate and film pioneer and has been honored with 32 Oscars for his extraordinary achievements in film. Born Dec. 5, 1901, in Chicago, he moved to





Catch the next in-person service Nov. 5

Catch the next in-person service Nov. 5

BEIT HALEV Once-a-month, live, inperson services have started at Beit HaLev. The next in-person Shabbat service will be held on Friday, Nov. 5, at 6 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 4. Beit HaLev livestream services are on Facebook. com/ beithalev and Zoom. To join the Zoomagogue community, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9152 434704?pwd=THJGTE1OUXI5 VXFDTWtuZHF4K3VxUT09. The meeting ID


you can get your flu ….

you can get your flu ….

you can get your flu shot. There is no copay. • If your primary care doctor does not work at an Optum location, then you can get your flu shot if you have Original Medicare and are not a Medicare Advantage patient. There is no copay. • If you are a Medicare Advantage patient and your insurance card does not have Monarch Healthcare on it, you will have to pay $40 cash. Contact your



LW Baptist

LW Baptist

LW Baptist Church will gather for worship on Sunday, Oct. 10, at 10 a.m. after Sunday school at 9:15. This week’s praise songs include “May the Mind of Christ My Savior Live in Me from Day to Day.” Jesus said, “Have faith in God.” Jesus gives his followers lessons on applying faith in Luke 17. He discusses temptation, forgiveness, the question of how much faith is needed, and distinguishing
