08 December 2021


Neighbors helping neighbors

Neighbors helping neighbors

What makes Leisure World great? Good neighbors do. Midge Bash of Mutual 14noticed a man bending down to pick up trash while she was taking a different route home. He was diligent and did not miss a piece of paper, bottle or other junk that people had dropped on the ground. He scanned the area for any waste as he walked, and had large bag into which he put the litter. He explained that every



Democratic Club

Democratic Club

Mary Larson LW Contributor The next Democratic Club meeting will be held via Zoom on Friday, Dec. 15 at noon. All LW Democrats are invited to participate. This week’s featured speaker is Chris Forehan of the Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Trustees. Login information for the meeting can be found in the club’s most recent electronic newsletter. Anyone who needs login assistance





How does a ‘give back’plan work?

How does a ‘give back’plan work?

by Sandra Teel Medicare insurance broker If you’ve signed up for one of those “give back” plans, but you’re still not sure know how it works, here’s the scoop. When someone is on Medicare, they pay a Part B premium. Typically if they are on Social Security, this premium is deducted from their Social Security check each month. An insurance company, such as SCAN, is paying the “give


