24 March 2021


Shredding volunteers finish the job after setback

Shredding volunteers finish the job after setback

By Anna Derby GAF President When the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) held its quarterly shredding event on March 4, it was anything but ordinary. The shredding service began normally, but had to stop about hour into the program due to a fire in the shredding truck. The fire quickly spread a thick smoke and strong odor. Recreation sent an LW Live announcement shortly after the fire, cancelling the


Learn about the benefits of Medicare

Learn about the benefits of Medicare

SUNSHINE CLUB Theresa Martinez with Anthem Blue Cross has 25 years experience with Medicare. She will talk about how Medicare works and its benefits at the Sunshine Club’s next meeting on Friday, March 26, at 10 a.m. All LWers are welcome to join the meeting. To join, go to https://us-02web.zoom.us/j/8498208974 3?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJmWml SNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743,
17 March 2021



How mental illness can affect your physical health as well

How mental illness can affect your physical health as well

SUNSHINE CLUB Dr. John Timberlake will talk about how depression and anxiety are related to common health conditions in seniors at the Sunshine Club’s next Zoom meeting on Friday, March 19, at 10 a.m. To join the Zoom meeting, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8498208974 3?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJmWmlSNE9KdT dNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742. Those who want


10 March 2021


Learn how to avoid Social Security scams

Learn how to avoid Social Security scams

SUNSHINE CLUB Retired Seal Beach police officer Rick Paap will give a presentation titled “Don’t fall for Social Security Scams” at the Sunshine Club’s next Zoom meeting on Friday, March 12, at 10 a.m. Paap is a retired 26-year veteran of the Seal Beach Police Department. He currently works with Talon Executive Protection in the fraud department. Talon is based out of Orange County




Spring brings forward new crops

Spring brings forward new crops

MINI FARM Spring is upon us, which means the produce planted in the fall are almost ready to be picked from the ground and enjoyed at the family table. Anna Derby of Mutual 5 finds the most enjoyment working in the Mini Farm. She says that putting time into her Mini Farm plot helps her to forget about the anxiety and uncertainty that surrounds the pandemic. She was granted a half-plot
