12 May 2021


Learn about the power of transformation

Learn about the power of transformation

SUNSHINE CLUB Learn what tranformation is and why more humans do not change who they are to get better results for their lives at the next Sunshine Club meeting on Friday, May 14, at 10 a.m. Business and life coach Bob Dabic will give a presentation about how LWers can practice a simple but powerful concept to motivate themselves to transform and have more success than they could on their


05 May 2021


Learn about Medicare fraud

Learn about Medicare fraud

SUNSHINE CLUB Carol Bond Chap from Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) will present on Medicare fraud at the Sunshine Club’s next meeting on Friday, May 7, at 10 a.m. All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at https://us02web. zoom.us/j/84982089743?pwd=UGR3Rl ZRaUJmWmlSNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID is 849 8208 9743, and the passcode is 508742.


Next Low-Cost Vet Care Clinic May 9

Next Low-Cost Vet Care Clinic May 9

The Los Alamitos Recreation and Community Services Department, in partnership with Vet Care, is offering a monthly drive-up, low-cost veterinary clinic at the Los Alamitos Community Center at 10911 Oak St. on various Sundays from 4–6 p.m. Listed below are the remaining dates for 2021: • Sunday,May9 • Sunday,June6 • Sunday,Aug.1 • Sunday,Sept.26 • Sunday,Oct.24 •
28 April 2021


Resident’s quick thinking saves a  building and residents from a fire

Resident’s quick thinking saves a building and residents from a fire

Thanks to the quick-thinking of Maria Gomez of Mutual 2, a potentially dangerous fire was averted from Building 33. While walking her dog in the morning on Sunday, April 18, Gomez heard a smoke alarm ringing and went to check it out. When she arrived she saw smoke but no fire coming from the apartment. She found a shareholder, who had fallen down on the cement patio and could not move. Gomez


Mutual 2 greenbelt gets a makeover

Mutual 2 greenbelt gets a makeover

Editor’s note: Due to a blackout of Mutual candidates’ names during election season, the contributor’s name was removed from this story. New to Leisure World, a Mutual 2 shareholder was concerned by the amount of invasive weeds in the greenbelt in front of his unit. He took it upon himself to see what it would take to have the weeds removed and try something different. His plan for a drought-tolerant


Look out for these Social Security scams

Look out for these Social Security scams

SUNSHINE CLUB Retired SBPD Rick Paap will speak to the Sunshine Club about the rise of Social Security Scams on Friday, April 30, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Paap is a retired, 26-year veteran of the Seal Beach Police Department. He currently works in the fraud department with Talon Executive Protection, which is based out of Orange County and owned by retired Secret Service Agent Ron Williams.



14 April 2021
