28 July 2021


Next meeting will be on Aug. 12

Next meeting will be on Aug. 12

AMERICAN LATINO CLUB The American Latino Club will meet on Thursday, Aug. 12, at 11:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. There will be lunch available for $6 per person, which will include two chicken or beef Argentinian empanadas, a green salad, cake, lemonade, and coffee. New members can register now for $5. Send registration dues to Carmen Edwards in Mutual 4 at 1240 Oakmont Road 52 K,


Club adds 18 new members

Club adds 18 new members

FRIENDLY COUPLES Enthusiasm for making new friends was more than evident on July 14, when the Friendly Couples Club welcomed 18 new members. There was lively conversation, new connections made and a rollicking game of “High Stakes” bingo in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. Members also approved officers for the coming year during the meeting. The Friendly Couples Club is a social group that meets


21 July 2021


Help the community at upcoming blood drive

Help the community at upcoming blood drive

by CJ Blomquist OptumCare Pandemic or not, there is always a need for blood donations. These donations serve patients in critical circumstances, such as those in surgery or in need of a transfusion. Each quarter, the Health Care Center hosts an American Red Cross blood drive, and the next one is on Friday, July 23, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Appointment required. It used to be easy to walk in and


LWers learn to say ‘no’ to sugar

LWers learn to say ‘no’ to sugar

WA-RITE Carol Chambers presented a program on sugar at the July 9 Wa-Rite meeting. Not only is sugar addicting, but it also wreaks havoc on the body when consumed at high levels, especially in the form of high-fructose corn syrup or sugar that’s been refined and bleached. This can trigger the process that leads to heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Sugar also triggers inflammation, which






Learn about Physical Property

Learn about Physical Property

SUNSHINE CLUB Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Physical Property Manager Kevin Black will be the Sunshine Club’s next speaker on Friday, July 23, at 10 a.m. During the meeting he will talk about his role in the Physical Property Department. All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/849 82089743?pwd=UGR3RlZRaUJ mWmlSNE9KdTdNMUh3QT09. The meeting ID