11 August 2021




04 August 2021


Save the date for the Sept. 4  Anniversary Luau in CH 2

Save the date for the Sept. 4 Anniversary Luau in CH 2

FALW The beauty of the South Pacific Islands has been the envy of many. But to learned scholars, these islands were discovered by accident, by people sailing or drifting from southeast Asia. The most famous are the Hawaiian and the Polynesian Island groups. Their sensual dances were banned by European missionaries because the movements were seen as suggestive. Today, hula dancing, as the world


Learn the importance of social connection

Learn the importance of social connection

SUNSHINE CLUB Isolation and loneliness are known to have negative health effects, especially for older adults. Join the Sunshine Club’s meeting on Friday, Aug. 6, at 10 a.m. to hear from Patty Barnett Mouton about how important social connections are to a person’s well-being and how people can improve their health by staying connected. All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting




28 July 2021


Learn tips and tricks for better sleep

Learn tips and tricks for better sleep

SUNSHINE CLUB Dr. Christopher Chung from OptumCare will be the Sunshine Club’s speaker on Friday, July 30, at 10 a.m. The title of the speech is 'How Sleep Affects memory.' Dr. Chung will explore the reasons why sleep gets more difficut as people age and give tips on how to get better sleep and when to seek medical care. All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at


First club meeting will be Aug. 1

First club meeting will be Aug. 1

HUMANIST ASSOCIATION The first Humanist meeting since reopening will be on Sunday, Aug 1, in Clubhouse 3, Room1, at 10:30 a.m. The guest speaker will be Bruce Gleason, who will examine the future of nuclear energy and how it relates to the problem of climate change. The public perception of nuclear energy has often been a negative one because of atomic weapons and the Chernobyl disaster