08 September 2021




Chess Club

Chess Club

This week’s puzzle is checkmate in three moves. White moves first. Any answer by Black, and White’s third move is checkmate. The solution to this week’s puzzle: The first move is Qg7. The White queen moves from h7 to g7. The LW Chess Club has suspended meeting in person until further notice.
01 September 2021


LW Birthdays

LW Birthdays

They say the first century is the hardest, and Lynn Phillips (left) is almost there. She celebrated her 99th birthday with friends and neighbors on Aug. 20 in front of her home in Mutual 12. Hui O Hula was there to entertain. Among the songs danced was “Young at Heart,” as Lynn has always been just that. A big cake was enjoyed by all. Lynn has been a LW resident since March 1988 after the passing


Mobility Aid Volunteers N

Mobility Aid Volunteers N

eeded Calling all kind-hearted souls who want to lend a hand to their Leisure World neighbors. The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) is looking for volunteers to help run the Mobility Aids office on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 9-11 a.m. The Mobility Aids Program loans out walkers and wheelchairs from its office as well as transports mobility aids to LWers in need. It is located in Clubhouse 6 and open


Learn about over-the-counter

Learn about over-the-counter

SUNSHINE CLUB Learn about over-the-counter m edications OptumCare pharmacist Maureen Ngo will talk to the Sunshine Club about over-thecounter medications on Friday, Sept. 3, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. During the meeting Ngo will highlight the benefits and side effects of common over-thecounter medications. All shareholders are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/874


FALW luau postponed until Oct.2

FALW luau postponed until Oct.2

3 The executive officers and members of the Filipino Association of Leisure World have decided to join other club organizations in the voluntary suspension of all activities to safeguard the health of the community. This decision includes postponing the luau. The COVID-19 pandemic is a deadly enemy that should be taken seriously by all in Leisure World. The Recreation Office agreed to the postponement


Community Karaoke

Community Karaoke

Though recent health concerns have kept some folks home, the sparse audience at the Aug. 25 karaoke party enjoyed many enthusiastic singers. Those who came early and stayed late included Bob Barnum, Ellen Brannigan, Erika Greenwood, Susan Kelleghan, Pat Kogok, Anna Le, Carolyn Mottola, David Noble, Julie Nulad, Rick Riley, Don Sunday, Pete Tupas, Tino Tupas, Wayne Urban, Vito Villomar and Richard
25 August 2021


SBTV-3 Listings

SBTV-3 Listings

SBTV-3 Listings SBTV-3 airs on TWC-Spectrum Channel 3, Frontier Fios Channel 37 and online streaming at sbtv3.org/ schedule. Have Roku? Go to http://roku. streamsource.tv/add/sbtv. The playback schedule is available at SBTV3.org. Thursday, Aug. 26 4 pm Rollin’ Thunder Parade 2021 4:30 pm LW Special Olympics 2021 4:38 pm LW Sewing Brigade 5 pm LW Memorial Day 2021 5:31 pm LW


Learn to drive safe and smart with Officer Smith

Learn to drive safe and smart with Officer Smith

SUNSHINE CLUB California Highway Patrol Officer Mitchell Smith will talk about the Age Well, Drive Smart program on Friday, Aug. 27, begining at 10 a.m. for the Sunshine Club. To join this meeting, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/874 27954280?pwd=dExQR2dDblZ SbUNkQlVoclhrajFhUT09. The meeting ID is 874 2795 4280, and the passcode is 080651. Those who want to receive the Zoom link by