08 September 2021


Learn about the history of Leisure World Sept. 10

Learn about the history of Leisure World Sept. 10

SUNSHINE CLUB Margaret Gillon will give a presentation about the history of Leisure World to the Sunshine Club on Friday, Sept. 10, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. All residents are welcome to join this Zoom meeting at https:// us02web.zoom.us/j/87427954280 ?pwd=dExQR2dDblZSbUNkQlV oclhrajFhUT09. The meeting ID is 874 2795 4280, and the passcode: is 080651. Those would like to get the Zoom link


Visit the Woman’s Club at the SB Arts Fair Sept. 11-12

Visit the Woman’s Club at the SB Arts Fair Sept. 11-12

The Woman’s Club of Seal Beach is exited to announce the return of the Seal Beach annual Arts and Crafts Fair on Sept. 1112 in Eisenhower Park at the entrance to the Seal Beach Pier. The Woman’s Club booth will provide succulents, staghorn ferns, plumerias, and a variety of indoor and outdoor plants. The Woman’s Club is a social club that works throughout the year to raise money to support



Find specialty teas to fit your needs

Find specialty teas to fit your needs

SB FARMERS MARKET by Ellen Brannigan LW contributor “Don’t spill the tea, drink it” is the slogan for the Premier Tea Company, one of the Farmers Market’s newest vendors. Paul Lara from Whittier will explain the many health benefits provided by these premium loose-leaf herbs and teas. All the teas in powder or loose-leaf form can be taken hot or cold, plain or in a warm beverage



Pacific Symphony performs tribute to 9/11

Pacific Symphony performs tribute to 9/11

Pacific Symphony will perform Tchaikovsky’s “1812” Overture, complete with live cannons and fireworks, on Sept. 11 at the open-air Pacific Amphitheatre on the OC Fairgrounds. The concert, conducted by Carl St. Clair, opens with patriotic music by John Williams, Stephen Paulus and Irving Berlin to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11. That’s followed by Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet”



