22 September 2021


Protect yourself against scammers

Protect yourself against scammers

SUNSHINE CLUB Micki Nozaki from the Senior Medical Patrol will be the Sunshine Club’s next speaker on Friday, Sept. 24, at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Scammers and fraudulent billers are out in full force. Find out why Medicare benefits are at risk and how people can protect themselves from being a victim. All residents are welcome to join the Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/874 27954280?pwd=dExQR2dDblZ






15 September 2021


Learn the difference between the GAF and GRF

Learn the difference between the GAF and GRF

Although the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) and the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) are often confused, they are not the same. The GRF is the non-profit corporation that manages the shared property of Leisure World. This corporation has employees: an executive director, Randy Ankeny; and a board of directors that sit on the numerous committees, such as Recreation, Physical Property, Finance, Communication


Learn the basics of prostate cancer

Learn the basics of prostate cancer

SUNSHINE CLUB Dr. Charles Metzger is a retired urologist who practiced medicine for 41 years. Metzger will present an easy to understand review of prostate cancer and the amazing advances that are being made in treatment regimens. Metzger will leave time for questions and answers at the end of the presentation. Metzger’s Sunshine Club presentation will be held on Friday, Sept. 17, at

