26 January 2022






Assembly of God

Assembly of God

Service/Gathering Times: Assembly of God meets Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. Wednesday morning Bible study is at 10 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The Hymn Sing is held on the third Sunday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby. Sermon for this week: Popular psychology has coined the term “decision fatigue” to describe a person’s decreased ability to make good decisions


First meeting will be on Feb. 8

First meeting will be on Feb. 8

SENIOR PEACE CLUB The Senior Peace Club’s first in-person meeting of the new year will take place on Feb. 8 in Clubhouse 3, Room 8, at 2 p.m. Steve Miller, who runs a volunteer outreach program to help Skid Row’s homeless, will be the featured speaker. Miller has been doing mutual aid work at Skid Row for two years. What started out as a giveback effort one week has evolved into a twice-a-week


Centennials to be recognized with small gift at their door on April 20

Centennials to be recognized with small gift at their door on April 20

GAF The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) is calling upon all LW residents who have reached the age of 100 or will achieve that fantastic milestone in 2022 to sign up for a special day to honor them. The GAF, along with GRF, wants to recognize LW’s long-lived residents who have been witness to world events since 1922. Help is needed in identifying and contacting LW centenarians in time for


Bill Cruikshank from MOWLB will speak on Friday

Bill Cruikshank from MOWLB will speak on Friday

SUNSHINE CLUB Bill Cruikshank, executive director for Meals On Wheels of Long Beach(MOWLB) will speak at the Sunshine Club’s next Zoom meeting on Friday, Jan 28 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. All residents are welcome to join the meeting at https:// us02web.zoom.us/j/8742795428 0?pwd=dExQR2dDblZSbUNkQ lVoclhrajFhUT09. The meeting ID is 874 2795 4280, and the passcode is 080651. Those who would like


American Legion Post

American Legion Post

On Jan. 17, the American Legion Post and Auxiliary held a joint meeting to hear speakers from the Orange County Rescue Mission. The Orange County group manages 12 OC-area locations. The Tustin location also has a wing dedicated to veterans and their families who are homeless. The outpost is always in need of clothes, linens, and some furniture. Monetary donations are also accepted. The Post


Due to COVID-19 restrictions,  ….

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, ….

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Concerned Shareholders meeting for Jan. 27 has been canceled. At this time, the club plans to hold a meeting in February.